The 2025 Letters of Intent submission window has closed for this cycle. Please watch our website and social media for updates this spring about our latest grant recipients.

Education Archives



All Ages Read Together9835689
Grant: $11,700
Services in Sterling, VA, including the expansion of an existing site and the addition of a site at Sterling Library.


Loudoun County Public Library2475202
Grant: $5,000
For the Mi Familia program at the Sterling Library location.


Loudoun Literacy Council919859
Grant: $15,000
Training in the Orton-Gillingham method for ESL instructors to prepare them to work with dyslexic students.




Loudoun Literacy Council
Grant: $13,000

Family Reading Program. Collaboration with Loudoun Literacy to increase literacy skills in entire families by providing an early childhood program while adults in the family are in ESL classes.

INMED Partnerships for Children
Grant: $10,000

After school program for at-risk kids, particularly those who qualify for McKinny-Vento services. Grant to purchase tables, chairs, book shelves, white boards, education materials, volunteer incentives, etc.


Loudoun Citizens for Social Justice/Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)
Grant: $25,000

Child Advocacy Center, Victim Advocacy and Education Program. Grant will go toward a new staff person and part-time victim advocate & support specialist.


Liberty’s Promise
Grant: $2,500

After school civics program and internship program aimed at helping immigrant youth succeed in the US. Program will be based at Parkview High School in Sterling, VA.


Loudoun Therapeutic Riding
Grant: $8,400
Reins to Independence pilot program – Therapeutic horsemanship program for secondary students in self-contained autism classes. The program will teach up to six students who have “aged out” of current school programs (soon to graduate).


SCAN of Northern Virginia
Grant: $7,700
Present “Stewards of Children” program to 40 parents. Trains parents to recognize signs of sexual abuse. Also, to help partially fund “Immigrant Family Reunification” program at Park View High School for immigrant families who have been living in different countries and now are reunited.



SCAN of Northern Virginia
Grant: $10,000

The program provides a unique perspective on child sexual abuse prevention, focusing on teaching adults to prevent, recognize, and respond effectively. In collaboration with LAWS, SCAN will organize 4-6 Stewards of Children workshops to train at least 60 Loudoun adults. The Seven Steps taught in the program include factual information on child sexual abuse, concrete tips on minimizing children’s risk and talking openly to children, recognizing signs of child sexual abuse, creating a plan for responding to reports and acting on suspicions, as well as tips on getting involved in prevention efforts in the local community. At the training, each participant will be provided with a Stewards of Children workbook which helps facilitate discussion and reinforce key concepts, as well as providing a resource and personal action plan for participants. SCAN’s Public Education team will also raise awareness of the issue of child sexual abuse regionally through ongoing media efforts.

LCPS Headstart7440827
Grant: $5,900
LCPS Head Start is reinstating and expanding the Educational Enrichmentprogram to provide field trips to all of their students, which will enrich activities outside of the classroom throughout the school year. Field trips will be tied in to what the students are learning in class and will allow them real-life learning experiences. Field trips can really bring classroom study alive for students and help them connect what they are learning in school to the world around them.

Loudoun Literacy Council919859
Grant: $3,500
LLC is working with LCPS to create the Adult Family Members Literacy Enrichment to identify two additional high-needs school sites for adult ELL classes, coordinating class offerings at these sites, and delivering ELL classes to parents and older family members of students who have or are participating in the Head Start program. LLC will also expand the family literacy programs at the Volunteers of America Homeless Shelters to include offering either a volunteer led after school homework club or tutoring for the residents at the shelters.


All Ages Read Together (AART)4108892
Grant: $12,600
This grant funds a pilot mobile reading program called AART-in-a-Cart, an effort that reaches out to children who are unable to attend existing on-site programs due to lack of transportation and/or income. The program targets home day-cares with portable “theme carts” and will run for a full year of 3 ten-week sessions.

The ARC of Loudoun (Paxton Campus)3748148_orig
Grant: $3,000
ARC Loudoun received a grant for its Next Chapter Book Club which provides adults with developmental disabilities the opportunity to read, discuss books, and make friends in a fun community setting. Members, ranging from those who read well to those who cannot read independently, meet weekly to read aloud and discuss books of their choosing.


You Belong @ Your Library (Open Door Sensory Storytime, Gamers’ Union, and Next Chapter Book Club) was selected for the Virginia County Achievement Award as the top winner overall as well as the winner in the Customer Service category.



A Place to Be3450410
Grant: $25,000
This first time grant recipient of 100WS has launched The Same Sky Project, an ensemble of 20 teenagers living with diverse challenges who create and perform original thematic work. The student performers in this special ensemble live with Cerebral Palsy, Asperger’s Syndrome, Autism, Down Syndrome, chronic illness, and other mental, physical and emotional challenges. The ensemble’s goal is to raise awareness about differences, empathy, tolerance, acceptance and inclusion. Finished works can be seen in schools, community centers, and regional theaters. Each performance will feature an open audience discussion with the artists about prejudices, acceptance, advocacy and inspiration.

“I left with the thought that I just witnessed the most amazing theatrical performance. I cannot express my feelings when I left. I was blown away. I highly recommend everyone go see this.”
Steph Place, 100WS Donor Advisor

“The performance was pure magic. I know we all drove home with a smile on our face.”Teresa Wheeler, 100WS Donor Advisor


All Ages Read Together4422648
Grant: $9,600
The All Ages Read Together (AART) received a $9,500 grant for the “AART CPR” program, an intensive summer program that provides last-chance readiness activities for rising Kindergartners at two Loudoun County schools.




Loudoun County Public Library_______7281839_orig
Grant: $3,045

Open Door Story Time conducted through the Loudoun County Public Library received $3,045 to help fund this program year-round. Open Door Storytimes are designed for children who have developmental disorders on the autistic spectrum.


The ARC of Loudoun (Paxton Campus)1382937
Grant: $16,690
Classroom and Playground Equipment


Loudoun Youth4441914
Grant: $14,550

Program for “At risk” Children


100WomenStrong is a proud fund of Community Foundation for Loudoun and Northern Fauquier Counties