The 2025 Letters of Intent submission window has closed for this cycle. Please watch our website and social media for updates this spring about our latest grant recipients.

Hunger Archives


_9533620 (1)Dulles South Food Pantry

Grant: $1,500

Sustaining and expanding the “Friday Food Pack” for students in the Freedom and John Champe clusters, as well as expanding food storage.

_2901438Loudoun Interfaith Relief

Grant: $25,000

For the purchase of a new refrigerated van to replace the oldest in the nonprofit’s fleet of three vehicles.


Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers

Grant: $11,250

Support for ongoing operations in delivery of food and services to frail, elderly, and ill individuals throughout the county.


6840233Dulles South Food Pantry

Grant: $1,500

Funds to go toward the purchase of street signs, food for the pantry, software, etc. for this small start-up charitable organization.

_6174759Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers

Grant: $15,000

Expand existing program delivering food and services to frail, elderly and ill individuals throughout the county.


5935625Catholic Charities

Grant: $12,000

The WRO Healthy Eating Initiative aims to address the nutritional gap by providing protein, dairy, and produce as part of every emergency food package. As such, the Healthy Eating Initiative has three major objectives, which are to 1) Enhance local partnerships with emergency service providers and food distributors to assist with building awareness of this initiative as well as the acquisition of healthy foods, 2) Provide equipment and infrastructure to support the provision of perishable items, and 3) Distribute balanced nutritional food provisions to Loudoun County’s most marginalized families.


Loudoun Interfaith Relief

Grant: $15,000

The Summer Pack program is designed to support the hunger needs of families of school age children during the summer. Summer Pack was intended to substitute the free or reduced school breakfast and lunch program which is offered during the school year. Summer Pack provides all family members of school age children with healthy and nutritious food to prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The objective is to provide families with an additional day of food twice a month. This additional day of food can be quite important to families with school age children – not to mention the impact it will have on those young people.


Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers

Grant: $10,000

LVC receives numerous requests for bringing food to hungry people across the county who cannot get to the grocery store or local food pantry. They work in partnership with LIR and other nonprofits and agencies to ensure that if someone needs food brought to them, they’ll do so. The Healthy Seniors and Hunger Relief program will help them to continue finding, training, and coordinating new volunteers with care receivers. The volunteers carry the groceries in and help put them away if needed. Funds will also be used for recruiting more volunteers.




Grant: $2,280

LINK plans to purchase frozen meat from the Capital Area Food Bank at a significantly discounted rate of .19 per pound using its grant funds. This will enhance their current food deliveries to families who need food assistance.


376654Feed Loudoun Plant a Row

Grant: $3,750



Blue Ridge Area Food Bank

Grant: $25,000

100WomenStrong has granted Blue Ridge Area Food Bank a combined $50,000 to support their BackPack Program. Sugarland Elementary School will benefit from a $25,000 grant to the BackPack Program for the 2012-2013 school year. 100WomenStrong’s grant will help to fund nearly 70% of the program costs for the year at Sugarland Elementary.

The BackPack Program is the Food Bank’s flagship initiative for alleviating child hunger in Virginia. The Program provides food bags full of nutritious meals and snacks on weekends and over schools holidays to children living in low-income families. The goal of the program is to ensure that children at risk of hunger have adequate food for times when they are out of school and cannot access school-based feeding programs.

“100 Women Strong has made a tremendous contribution to our efforts. Their gift
allows us to provide thousands of meals to hungry children each week. We’re thankful to have such a partner in the fight to alleviate child  hunger.”

Blue Ridge Area Food Bank CEO Larry Zippin



Blue Ridge Area Food Bank

Grant: $25,000

The Backpack Program was implemented at Guilford Elementary School for the 2011-2012 school year with the help of another $25,000 grant from 100WomenStrong. The Food Bank was successful in attracting a matching grant from Corporate donor N.E.W.

The BackPack Program is the Food Bank’s flagship initiative for alleviating child hunger in Virginia. The Program provides food bags full of nutritious meals and snacks on weekends and over schools holidays to children living in low-income families. The goal of the program is to ensure that children at risk of hunger have adequate food for times when they are out of school and cannot access school-based feeding programs.


Feed Loudoun Plant a Row

Grant: $4,900

Loudoun Plant a Row for the Hungry received $4,900 to increase its capacity and to promote the growing and donation of fresh fruits and vegetables by local gardeners, farmers and agri-businesses for the purpose of feeding the hungry in Loudoun County. Feed Loudoun is part of Loudoun Plant A Row, which was founded in 2009 as part of a national grass roots organization known as “Plant A Row for the Hungry.”

“Thank you so much for the wonderful help you have given us in the past. [Your grant] is still supporting our cause of feeding the hungry here in Loudoun County.  In fact, we can report that we just got the year end totals from Loudoun Interfaith Relief and we (volunteer home gardeners, local farms, gleaning volunteers and volunteer drivers, etc.) contributed 24,757 pounds of fresh vegetables and fruit this year! We are very proud of this and grateful to be on your list…”

Mary Clark – Feed Loudoun Inc.



Leadership Loudoun

Grant: $3,600

Lunches for Summer Camp Program.


Loudoun Interfaith Relief

Grant: $25,000

Refrigerated Food Delivery Van.


100WomenStrong is a proud fund of Community Foundation for Loudoun and Northern Fauquier Counties