Community Foundation for Loudoun and Northern Fauquier Counties
Grant: $20,000
Support of the Face of Need/Face of Service campaign to promote organizations, highlight needs in our area and boost giving. Funds will also support CF’s Social Profit Initiative.
Community School Initiative
Grant: $50,000
Create school/community partnership for Sterling Elementary School to bring together private companies, government entities and nonprofits to offer a range of support and opportunities for children, youth, families, and the overall community.
LCPS Backpack Coalition
$100,000 Matching Grant
Beginning in 2014, 100WomenStrong matched 100 percent of a two year grant, dollar for dollar up to $100,000 to Loudoun Education Foundation in support of the Backpack Coalition. With your support, the matching challenge exceeded its goal, raising more than $200,000 to help hungry kids.
Loudoun Education Foundation
In 2014, 100WS provided Loudoun Education Foundation a grant to fund a Program Coordinator position, filled by Barbara Mendoza, to oversee the LCPS Backpack Coalition Program. This grant represents the second year of funding for this position. Barb reports to the Office of Outreach Administrator.
100WomenStrong Social Impact Institute
Grant: $5,000
The Social Impact Institute and its Leadership Development Program offers executives of Loudoun’s charitable organizations a structured, tailored process to explore how their current leadership approach might evolve to yield greater personal satisfaction and organizational performance. Participants engage in one-on-one executive coaching and group conversations on sequential months between March and September 2015. The design evokes increasing direction, growing capability and new approaches to addressing mission vital challenges.
Loudoun Education Foundation
Grant: $20,000
100WS provided Loudoun Education Foundation a grant to fund a Program Coordinator position, filled by Barbara Mendoza, to oversee the LCPS Backpack Coalition Program. She reports to the Office of Outreach Administrator, Mr. Wendall Fisher.
Loudoun Cares
Grant: $9,000
Loudoun Cares received a $9,000 grant in 2012 for a board training “Boot Camp” and several focused training sessions to teach best practices in board policies, activities and effectiveness to as many as 80 members of Loudoun County boards of directors.
Loudoun Cares
Grant: $5,000
In 2011, Loudoun Cares received $5,000 for the development and implementation of its Board “Boot Camp” to train board and staff of Loudoun County area nonprofit organizations. Loudoun Cares was founded in 2002 to promote the sharing of community services under one roof. This model, already utilized in many communities, encourages collaboration and efficiency among nonprofit agencies—ultimately benefiting the long-term health of the community.