The 2025 Letters of Intent submission window has closed for this cycle. Please watch our website and social media for updates this spring about our latest grant recipients.

Health Archives



Friends of Loudoun Mental Health2687119
Grant: $8,400
For last-resort rental subsidies for patients who are in treatment programs.


Grant: $33,750
Comprehensive dental care for low-income children and the elderly.


Legacy Farms3622534
Grant: $5,565
Construction of a greenhouse for agrarian-based vocational training for adults with autism and developmental and social challenges.


Loudoun Families for Children825057
Grant: $2,000
To support LFC’s work with Child Protective Services to care for children affected by family issues.


NAMI Northern Virginia_9386364_orig
Grant: $5,000
For “peer-to-peer” public education programs about mental health for youth and high-school aged children.


SCAN of Northern Virginia1409520
Grant: $7,000
Education and safe cribs for low-income families with infants.



Health Works835174 
Grant: $20,000 
Comprehensive dental care to 440 low income Loudoun children ages 0 – 18 who don’t have insurance or Medicaid.

Estimate that 2,000 Loudoun kids fall in this target population.




Loudoun Therapeutic Riding Foundation

Grant: $750

All LTR participants are required to wear an ASTM approved safety helmet while on the horse, in a carriage, and when working in certain situations around the horse. The Enhancement of Safety Equipment and Education Tools program is updating and replacing some older safety helmets.


Blue Ridge Speech & Hearing974627_orig
Grant: $24,000
Replacement of the outdated audiology equipment will allow BRSH to go into the next 50 years servicing Loudoun County. As part of the 50 year celebration, they are launching the “Hearing Health Initiative“- providing Early Intervention through education, prevention, and rehabilitation. This outreach is designed to educate the community about preventing hearing loss and the importance of testing your hearing annually for everyone over the age of 55 and includes an offer to have a free hearing screening.


Tree of Life8391781
Grant: $5,000
Tree of Life is starting a Dental Voucher Referral program. With this program, each approved applicant will be referred to a participating dentist for a screening and further dental work. The dentist, who is donating their time and labor, provides an assessment and estimate of costs for dental materials needed to address each problem.  Tree of Life will dispense funds to each dentist based on each approved need.


Windy Hill Foundation3874788
Grant: $26,000
The Windy Hill Community Children’s Playground will provide a carefully designed “playscape”, with suitable, certified, safe equipment and surface material that would fit in the existing fenced playground area close to Llewellyn Village Apartments to serve the children in the Windy Hill community.



HealthWorks for Northern Virginia3772589_orig
Grant: $25,000

This is the fifth grant from 100WS to HealthWorks. The Stronger Together Partnership Initiative will cultivate new partnerships to launch new programs; streamline access to services and provide new avenues of access to existing programs, and ensure the sustainability of newly created services.

Update: Click here for a grant update on how Loudoun Free Clinic has successfully implemented its new EMR system.



Loudoun Free Clinic5056950
Grant: $25,000
This grant will go toward the implementation of an Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system. EMR has both quality and efficiency benefits that will systematically improve patient care. EMR implementation will result in the use of evidence-based treatment protocols, increased workflow efficiency to result in cost savings, and enhanced data collection for reliable, more meaningful reporting.

Update: Click here for a grant update on how Loudoun Free Clinic has successfully implemented its new EMR system.


Northern Virginia Family Services_7164377_orig
Grant: $15,972
Grant: $15,000
Northern Virginia Family Services received two grants this year, the first of which funds a program called LAMP (Loudoun Accessible Medication Program). LAMP provides free or reduced-cost prescription medications to Loudoun County residents of all ages who do not have health insurance, whose income level is 200% or below the Poverty Level, and who require medication for an ongoing chronic illness. The second grant funds the Infant Mental Health Project. A Child Mental Health Clinical Consultant will be hired for ten hours per month to provide family and group counseling for families assessed to be at high risk for child abuse/neglect, or who suffer from mental health issues or other serious problems that are negatively affecting their parenting skills.



HealthWorks for Northern Virginia7038874
Grant: $35,000
This is the fourth grant from 100WomenStrong to HealthWorks. The 2012 $35,000 grant is for additional specialized pediatric dental equipment as well as pediatric dental furniture.


Loudoun Therapeutic Riding6068196
Grant: $3,600



Blue Ridge Speech & Hearing Center5254391_orig
Grant: $35,000
Blue Ridge Speech & Hearing Center received $35,000 to build and equip a new Sensory Integration Room that will better serve children with special needs. The BRSH is the only nonprofit providing audio logical services, speech therapy and occupational therapy to Loudoun County’s residents in need.


HealthWorks for Northern Virginia835174
Grant: $35,000
In 2011, HealthWorks received $35,000 for an ultrasound machine for use at the new pediatric site in Sterling. This Federally Qualified Health Center was created to provide health care in a medical home setting to those who have limited or no health insurance.


INOVA Health Foundation9183002
Grant: $26,000
INOVA Health Foundation received $26,000 for a stereotactic breast analysis table.Update: Inova Stereotactic Breast Analysis Table Dedication was held November 5, 2013.100WS members and the Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Foundation gathered alongside Inova nurses, doctors, and administrators on October 24 to dedicate the new Stereotactic Breast Analysis Room at Inova Loudoun Hospital. Key funding provided by 100WS and Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Foundation helped to purchase the new stereotactic table, where a breast biopsy can be performed by pinpointing the exact spot of the abnormal area. 100WS is very pleased to help support Inova’s commitment to women’s health in Loudoun County.



Healthworks for Northern Virginia7038874
Grant: $25,000
This grant is for a Pediatric Dental Operatory room that includes the purchase of specialized pediatric dental equipment.


Update: 100WS Donor-Advisors standing in front of appreciation plaque, March 2013.

Healthworks for Northern Virginia1385570247
Grant: $4,000
Breast Feeding Education


100WomenStrong is a proud fund of Community Foundation for Loudoun and Northern Fauquier Counties