Archive for Year: 2018
100WomenStrong and SunTrust partner to assist low-income schools in Loudoun

November 12, 2018 Loudoun Times-Mirror
100WomenStrong, SunTrust Launch Challenge to Raise $400K for Loudoun’s Low-income Schools

November 9, 2018 Loudoun Now

100WomenStrong has been working closely with Loudoun County Public Schools, Loudoun Education Fund, SunTrust Foundation, local nonprofits, educators, businesses and many others to change the face of education in Sterling, VA, through a pilot Community School Initiative (CSI) at Sterling Elementary School. Due to the rapid suburbanization of poverty, Title 1 schools like Sterling Elementary School need a wrap-around service approach that supports disadvantaged students and their families, helps improve educational outcomes, and increases parental engagement. Since 2015, 100WomenStrong has funded the salary of a Community School Coordinator who works with community partners to bring enrichment programs into the school.
The philanthropic group has created a $100,000 challenge grant to expand the program to the six other Title 1 elementary schools in Loudoun County. SunTrust Foundation immediately stepped up to the challenge with a $100,000 donation. Together, they are asking others in the community to match their contributions to help raise at least $400,000 to expand this vital initiative that is reaping benefits for children, families and the community.
SunTrust Foundation Grants $100,00 to Loudoun Education Foundation to Expand Its Community School Initiative

For Immediate Release
Press contacts:
Margaret Brown Audria Belton–SunTrust Foundation
703.898.9443 404.813.3664
(Leesburg, Va.) Nov. 8, 2018 – SunTrust Foundation has granted $100,000 to Loudoun Education Foundation to expand its Community School Initiative (CSI) to Forest Grove, Sugarland, Guilford, Sterling, Sully and Rolling Ridge elementary schools in Loudoun County as 100WomenStrong celebrates 10 years of investing in children at Title 1 Schools. 100WomenStrong has issued a challenge grant of $100,000 for the expansion and encourages other businesses and community members to match the $200,000 raised so far.
“The Loudoun Education Foundation is incredibly grateful for the generosity of the SunTrust Foundation,” said Dawn Meyer, executive director of the Loudoun Education Foundation. “This funding will help our most vulnerable students achieve academic success in the classroom while providing needed resources for their families at school.”
100WomenStrong Accepting Grant Applications
October 3, 2018 Loudoun Now
100WomenStrong’s 10th Anniversary Grant Application Process Opens October 1st

Margaret Brown
Philanthropic group is celebrating 10th Anniversary of giving to Loudoun County nonprofits in areas of shelter, health, hunger and education.
Window for submitting initial letter opens on October 1
Leesburg, Va. – September 28, 2018 – Loudoun County-based 100WomenStrong, a group of concerned philanthropists seeking to strategically invest in organizations and programs that enrich the lives of Loudoun County residents, will begin accepting Letters of Intent from area nonprofits on October 1 for 2019 grants. Organizations that are headquartered or operate in Loudoun County and wish to receive 2019 grant funds from 100WomenStrong for programs in the areas of health, hunger, education and shelter, must file a preliminary Letter of Intent between 7 a.m. on Monday, October 1, 2018, and 5 p.m. on Friday, November 2, 2018.
According to 100WomenStrong member Stephanie Place, Letters of Intent should be no more than one page long, should be in 11-point font or larger and should include:
- Name and purpose of nonprofit organization – must be based in or have programs in Loudoun County
- Dollar amount of grant request
- What the money will fund – outline how you would utilize the grant money
- Why this project(s) is important to those you serve and to Loudoun County andits residents
Letters should be emailed to as a .pdf attachment with the name of the organization in the subject line of the email. Every applicant will receive an email confirming receipt of the Letter of Intent. If an email confirmation is not received, double check to ensure that your email was addressed correctly.
100WomenStrong Member Kristina Bouweiri Reaches New Heights

Congratulations to Kristina Bouweiri, a 100WomenStrong charter member, whose company – Reston Limousine – is the 8th largest fleet in the United States! Kristina founded the company in 1990 with just five vehicles. She makes a difference to Loudoun County every day through Reston Limousine and her many other endeavors, including 100WomenStrong, Sterling Women, the Inova Loudoun Hospital Foundation, Northern Virginia Community College, Loudoun Education Foundation, and more. Read about it here.
How Donor Advised Funds Create Opportunities to Give

The Community Foundation for Loudoun and Northern Fauquier Counties (Community Foundation) has deep expertise and knowledge not only of our community’s needs, but also of our nonprofit landscape. They also can help people who don’t have millions create donor advised funds or help them find an existing fund to which to contribute. If you want to give back, but don’t know where to start, take a moment to read a letter from Amy Owen, Community Foundation president and CEO, about how they can help you set up a nimble and flexible donor advised fund:
100WomenStrong Member Cate Magennnis Wyatt Named New Board Chair for Great Meadow Foundation

Congratulations to 100WomenStrong member Cate Magennis Wyatt on becoming the new Chair for the Great Meadow Foundation!
100WomenStrong Announces $279,550 in Funding For 27 Loudoun County Nonprofits

Margaret Brown
Leesburg, VA – May 2, 2018– Loudoun County-based 100WomenStrong, a group of concerned local residents seeking to strategically invest in organizations and programsthat enrich their county, is donating $279,550 to 27 area nonprofit organizations to help them initiate, complete or supplement programs in 2018. With this year’s funding, the philanthropic group has now given more than $1.5 million to Loudoun County nonprofits to support transformational change in the areas of shelter, health, hunger and education.
“In December 2008, 12 people passionate about finding ways to improve the quality of life for Loudoun County residents came together to learn the best ways to help make that happen. Almost 10 years later, 40 passionate people continue that mission,” said Karen G. Schaufeld, 100WomenStrong founder and president. “We strive to grant the right amount to the right non-profit at the right time. We will not rest until all residents of our county achieve their full potential as active, contributing members of our community. We encourage all those who are inspired by this mission to join us.”
100WomenStrong Announces Grants for 27 Loudoun Programs
May 2, 2018 Loudoun Now
100WomenStrong member, Sheila Johnson, Named a Virginia Influencer

Congratulations to 100WomenStrong member, Sheila Johnson, on being named one of Virginia Business’ 50 Most Influential Virginians! Read more here.
Decent, Stable Housing Can Act as a ‘Vaccine’ Against Underdevelopment in Children

Housing subsidies can actually act like a vaccine for children in food-insecure households, because stable housing protects them from biologically being affected by their food insecurity. Stable, decent housing gives children some immunity and resilience against future threats to their health. In fact, children whose parents receive housing subsidies that free up available money for food are two times less likely to be underweight than similar kids who were food insecure and eligible for a food housing voucher but not receiving it. The researcher who made the connection, Dr. Megan T. Sandel is an associate professor of pediatrics at the Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health and is a nationally recognized expert on housing and child health and development. She said that her “eureka” moment was when her 2-year-old patient, who had fallen way behind on the growth chart suddenly started sprouting after the child’s family moved from an overcrowded, unsuitable apartment to a better one. “The prescription that this child needed was a stable, decent, affordable home. They don’t stock those at the pharmacy.” Read the entire article here.
Loudoun Chamber Celebrates Nonprofits and Business Leaders for It’s 50th Anniversary

The Loudoun Chamber of Commerce is celebrating its 50th year! At its upcoming gala, the Chamber will announce the winners of the 2018 Loudoun Community Leadership Awards. We are proud of 100WomenStrong member Sharon D. Virts for her nomination for the Executive Leader Award. We also are thrilled that leaders of several 100WomenStrong grant recipients – Inova Loudoun Hospital, Loudoun Voluntee rCaregivers and The Arc of Loudoun – are nominated for awards. The winner in each of the awards categories will have the opportunity to select one nonprofit organization to receive a $1,000 grant, courtesy of the esteemed Community Foundation of Loudoun and Northern Fauquier Counties.