100WomenStrong has been working closely with Loudoun County Public Schools, Loudoun Education Fund, SunTrust Foundation, local nonprofits, educators, businesses and many others to change the face of education in Sterling, VA, through a pilot Community School Initiative (CSI) at Sterling Elementary School. Due to the rapid suburbanization of poverty, Title 1 schools like Sterling Elementary School need a wrap-around service approach that supports disadvantaged students and their families, helps improve educational outcomes, and increases parental engagement. Since 2015, 100WomenStrong has funded the salary of a Community School Coordinator who works with community partners to bring enrichment programs into the school.
The philanthropic group has created a $100,000 challenge grant to expand the program to the six other Title 1 elementary schools in Loudoun County. SunTrust Foundation immediately stepped up to the challenge with a $100,000 donation. Together, they are asking others in the community to match their contributions to help raise at least $400,000 to expand this vital initiative that is reaping benefits for children, families and the community.
“The resources and goodwill are already out there, and this model taps into it and directs it in a way that is very effective and creates an incredible benefit for both the school and the community,” said Karen G. Schaufeld, founder and president of 100WomenStrong. “With SunTrust Foundation’s support, we are halfway to the $400,000 in funding needed to cover these seven salaries and other initiatives for the next three years, and we hope many others will join us in our investment in students and families in underserved areas of Loudoun County.”
What does a Community School Coordinator do?
The CSI Community School Coordinator focuses on supporting the educational success, health, and well-being of the students and families at Sterling Elementary School. Programs for students are designed to support:
- academic achievement in English, Math, Science and other subjects
- positive youth development
- motivation to learn
- relationships that support learning and a sense of belonging
- personal, social, service and leadership skills and positive behavior.
With the funding currently being raised, the CSI program will expand to include new Community School Coordinators at Forest Grove, Sugarland, Guilford, Sterling, Sully and Rolling Ridge elementary schools; and 100WomenStrong will fund a social worker whose job it will be to support those coordinators and their programs.
Donate here: https://communityfoundationlf.org/product/100womenstronglti/