by Margaret Brown
100WomenStrong has launched a newly designed, easier to navigate website, thanks to KME.Digital. The KME team, led by owner and co-founder, Kelly McLaughlan, has been working with our Outreach committee for several months to create a new look and structure for our website, the first new design for us since our launch in 2008.

KME (Kelly McLaughlan Enterprises) was the first focused web design, marketing technology and digital media agency in Loudoun County. Since 2005, the agency has helped hundreds of local and regional businesses find customers and success on the Internet, while promoting and stewarding the County’s online brand presence for civic, nonprofit and economic development purposes.
“Raising four children in the Google and Facebook age led me to partner in a small business for computer and online safety training for kids – and thereafter to the need for marketing this business on the Internet,” McLaughlan said. “I became a Google-certified consultant in 2006, and now our agency is a fully-certified Google partner. My partner and I lead an agency of seven, and we specialize in helping organizations of all sizes find, reach and engage customers or constituents through digital media.”
Graphic designer, Krishna Jeyakumar was the design lead for the new 100WS website and came to KME.Digital as part of the internship program. She is a digital game design & technology student at George Mason University, as well as a lab mentor and teaching assistant in the Mason Game & Technology Institute.

According to McLaughlan, KME has a revolving pool of interns, mostly from George Mason University and the Mason Enterprise Center.
“These fantastic students are motivated, interested and adept digital natives, who learn a lot about business marketing, technologies and processes from both our leadership and daily customer interactions,” she said. “They’re also very creative with unique school experiences.”
KME.Digital has grown since its launch in 2005, but stays true to its roots in Northern Virginia. “I find a lot of inspiration comes from the other small business owners I’m able to help,” she explained. “Every small business owner or nonprofit leader in Northern Virginia has a truly unique and inspiring story, as well as a heroic struggle to create something, find customers and make a living for themselves and their employees.”
100WomenStrong thanks KME.Digital, in particular Kelly and Krishna, for all the hours donated toward creating our fantastic new website.